Today is the last day of the summer for FREE FOOD
TODAY August 4th - 11:30 - 2:30
**Food Pickup** Please open your trunk/hatch to receive your meal(s) in the high school pickup line. 18 and Under
FREE! TODAY August 4th, 2020! Food Pickup ⏰ 11:30 - 2:30 🚗 Food Pickup 🍎 Multiple Meals 📍 High School Loading Dock, Door 22, West Side

*Reminder* FOOD - - August 4th - 11:30 - 2:30
This is the last food pickup of the summer!
**Food Pickup** Please open your trunk/hatch to receive your meal(s) in the high school pickup line. 18 and Under FREE! TOMORROW August 4th, 2020! Food Pickup
⏰ 11:30 - 2:30
🚗 Food Pickup
🍎 Multiple Meals
📍 High School Loading Dock, Door 22, West Side

Parents and Guardians: Please complete this survey by 3pm on Friday, July 31st.
RCAPS is committed to providing in-person and/or virtual instruction for its students based on parent preference. We are seeking this information to be able to plan for the return to school.
Stay safe and enjoy this beautiful Michigan weather.

Speed Training for Sunday, July 26th is CANCELED.

**Job Opportunity**
Join Our Team! Elementary Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year.

News Article - July 22, 2020

Please see some final notes on our gradution celebration tomorrow. #CoyoteStrong #BetterTogether

Good Morning! A quick video message with two points.

Please see a graduation update from Mr. Hudson and Mrs. Shoemaker. #CoyoteStrong #BetterTogether

See the attached letter from our Superintendent Mr. Sweet.
#BetterTogether #CoyoteStrong

Please help us welcome Mr. Michael Sweet, our new superintendent, to RCAPS. Mr. Sweet would like everyone to know that he, his wife Michelle, and their daughter Maggie will be at Roth Street Park this Thursday from 1- 4pm. Please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself during that time. He and his family will be located near the pavilion area. Mr. Sweet is very excited to get started and he is looking forward to meeting with everyone.

**Summer Food**
Please see the attached flyer regarding the continuation of our summer food program. Special thanks to our amazing food service, transportation, and volunteer workers for making this happen! #coyotestrong #bettertogether

Reed City Area Public Schools Board of Education has selected the finalists for our next Superintendent. Please see the link below for information on each cadidate.
You can view the interviews live on June 24th, 2020 starting at 3:00 P.M. at this link:

*Reminder* FOOD - -
June 16th - 11:30 - 2:30
**Food Pickup** Please open your trunk/hatch to receive your meal(s) in the high school pickup line. 18 and Under FREE! TOMORROW June 16, 2020! Food Pickup ⏰ 11:30 - 2:30 🚗 Food Pickup 🍎 Multiple Meals 📍 High School Loading Dock, Door 22, West Side TOMORROW June 16, 2020! Food Delivery ⏰ PM Bus Route 🚌 Bus Delivery 🍎 Lunch/Breakfast 📍 YOUR HOUSE

We will be offering Speed/Conditioning Training for all high school athletes on Sundays from 5:30-6:30pm on the band practice field adjacent to the middle school parking lot. We will be COVID screening all participants based on guidelines from the MHSAA. This is for incoming 9th graders-12th graders at this time. As restrictions are reduced, we may open it up to middle schoolers as well. Please plan on the following dates: June 14, 21, 28. July 12, 19,26 and August 2nd.
If we have heavy rains/storms, we will need to cancel. As of this time, we can't go indoors if we are experiencing bad weather, however that may change.
We are hoping this will be a time for our kids to work on getting back into condition and also spend some time with their teammates and friends. Please email Kris Griffin with any questions at kgriffin@reedcityschools.org or contact your coach. Thank-you everyone!

Coyote Family,
We are in the process of hiring our next Superintendent. The Board of Education would like for our community members to submit questions for our candidates. Please submit your question to webmaster@reedcityschools.org #BetterTogether #CoyoteStrong